University College of Teacher Education Vienna
Austrian University Colleges of Teacher Education are universities which are responsible for the education, advanced training and further professional development of teachers. One key area of responsibility is job-related research, e. g. in the areas of occupational research, teaching and learning research, pedagogy, subject didactics and school- and teaching development. The University College of Teacher Education Vienna is Austria´s largest public educational as well as professional development institution for future and currently employed pedagogues. At present, it offers Bachelor of Education programs for general compulsory schools and vocational schools, as well as university courses for other pedagogical professions, such as recreational education and Elementary education. Right now, approximately 3200 students are enrolled in these programs. In addition, Master’s degree programs with different specializations can be completed in the areas of primary education and secondary vocational education.
Together with the University of Vienna and other regional University Colleges for Teacher Education, the University College of Teacher Education Vienna is part of the so-called “Development Network North-East” and therefore integrated into the joint Bachelor’s Degree Program in Secondary General Education. In the area of continuing education and training, the PHW supports professional educators throughout their entire professional life. It offers approximately 2600 continued training courses with around 58.000 registrations a year.
The campus covers approximately 53,000 m2 and is located in the tenth district of Vienna, named Favoriten – the city’s most populated district with a high number of residents with immigrant roots. Integrated into the University College of Teacher Education Vienna are the Praxisvolksschule and the Praxismittelschule with a total of about 400 students (University College of Teacher Education Vienna 2020).

Gabriele Kulhanek-Wehlend, Mag. Dr. BEd