Lab School Paris
Our school is an innovative, bilingual (English/French), inclusive, secular, and ecologically responsible school. We aim to support students in all aspects of their learning experience and to enable them to become knowledgeable, responsible, autonomous, socially-conscious, and happy citizens.
Lab School Paris values diversity in our student body. Children come from a variety of different countries and cultures, and have distinct needs, including students with special educational needs.
First and foremost, Lab School Paris remains a school: it teaches the French – 'Education Nationale' – (public school) curriculum. Our students gain the academic and ethical knowledge and skills required to attain nationally recognized diplomas. Our difference lies in the focus we put on creating the best conditions for children to successfully pursue their academic choices, and later their chosen professional direction. We strive to enable our students to become free, responsible and happy citizens. The role of the teaching community is to place students at the center of their learning journey and to accompany them in being active participants in their own future.
Lab School Paris is also a place for researchers to implement, assess and refine pedagogical methods and materials, including apps and softwares. It is also a place for interns, undergraduate and graduate students and teachers to train, within a cooperative and open-minded team. Lab School Paris is involved in many research projects and is delighted to be part of the LabSchoolsEurope project.
Pascale Haag